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Dec 11, 2020

What role does Santa play? Some are all in and some are not and many find a space in between. Whether you do or whether you don’t, Mark and Josh have some fun with this topic. If you’re deciding now as a family or your kids are aging out, there are a few ideas here that may help you as you navigate this topic.


Website: When Santa Learned The Gospel book


Music Credit: "Funkorama" Kevin MacLeod (


Expanded Notes:

 - Some families choose not to engage in Santa Clause because of concern it will undermine their credibility when it comes to other “mysterious” things (like Jesus)

 - A new idea is to invite kids into the Santa Clause group as they age out, drafting them into the club and helping them see value of giving to others

 - Rather than a disillusionment experience, it becomes an empowering experience for kids growing out of believing in Santa

 - This idea is right in line with initiating boys into manhood

 - Another resource is the book When Santa Learned The Gospel

 - Whether you do or you don’t, decide and do with intention, rather than just default