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Oct 28, 2022

Often, God uses your own story and experience to shape the impact He wants to make through you. Such is the case with Bryce Bouchard. After a childhood in a broken home and a faulty understanding of manhood, he began a quest to discover what it means to be a man which shaped the course of his life. Now, decades later,...

Oct 21, 2022

Mark goes off! A Facebook post on the topic of wives submitting to husbands is all that was needed to turn on the mics and address this head on. It’s time to change the way we talk about this topic.


NMU Dads Group Signup:



Oct 14, 2022

A gentleman used to mean certain things, like the way you dress or talk or how you carry yourself. Although we’re familiar with the word today it doesn’t hold the same meaning as it once did. It may not even be a consideration for dads when raising their sons. But perhaps it should. And an old manual from the...

Oct 7, 2022

Tampa Bay Rays Press Box Supervisor, Dukes Knutson, joins the show to talk about his love for both Jesus and Baseball and how his path has lead to an integration of both. Dukes’ brings his veteran experience and presence to our TNMU Clubhouse and has much to offer us younger men who are also wanting to follow Jesus...